Hotel Pool

Embed Wellness into Every Stay

Give your guests the tools to help them prioritise their wellness at your facilities

App Screen

Why use TrvlWell?

Increase time spend in brand
Offer a personalised wellness plan to enhance guests’ stay, optimised for their unique schedule, fully integrated with your existing services.
Reduce facility operating costs
Provide a wide range of fitness and wellness experiences for your guests, without the need for additional or dedicated staff.
Additional revenue from wellness
Generate extra revenue by providing customers with bespoke wellness plans, tailored to their unique travel agendas. 
Embedded wellness

We offer a range of different modules, ready for rapid integration, to suit every sector

wellness options
From audio and video content to custom jet lag schedules, our platform offers a full end-to-end wellness experience at each journey touchpoint. 
Make your brand shine
TrvlWell can be fully white-labelled, allowing your brand to take centre stage and become a leader in health and wellness for travellers. 
Real-world and digital experiences
Fully customisable, modular options to meet your requirements, from workouts designed for a specific gym to allowing access to offsite choices.
Turn-key integration
Our selection of options, ranging from APIs to web apps, offers smooth, effortless integration into any existing product or service. 
Fully integrated wellness

A suite of wellness options, seamlessly incorporated into your existing app

Audio/video wellness experiences Personalised content suited to each stage of a guest’s journey.
AI wellness companion
Ready to sync up with any calendar, and suggest wellness experiences to enhance travel for work or leisure.
Nutrition plan
Integrate into existing F&B offerings to provide guidance on maintaining nutritional goals while on the move.
Jet lag and sleep management
A personalised plan featuring a sleep schedule, nutritional advice, and more - adapted to guests’ unique schedules. 
Wellness experience network Offer access to our global network of gyms, classes, and more and allow redemption using your loyalty currency.
Easy integration - fully white-labelled

TrvlWell is designed to be both modular and white-labelled, allowing easy integration into  existing products and services.

Web App

Integrate our services via a one-stop web app for simple and rapid set-up.


Choose from pre-built interfaces to deliver wellness in any app quickly and efficiently.


Design a custom interface for a completely personalised wellness experience.

Looking to find out more?

Reach out and we’ll get you connected to the TrvlWell team.
TravlWell App On Phone